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training courses


The following is a list of training courses offered by The Compliance Group. If your course of interest is not currently scheduled, please contact us to enquire about the next scheduled date or about the possibility of running the course in-house. All courses, including Pharmaceutical Engineering, Sterilisation and Depryogenation, and Critical Utilities are available on our GXP Training page.


sterilisation and depyrogenation (live)

duration: 3 days

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pharmaceutical engineering
and good engineering practice (live)

duration: 3 days  

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good distribution practice – fundamentals and inspections (live)

duration: 2 days

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critical utilities


duration: 3 days

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visual inspection


duration: 2 days

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pharmaceutical auditing (live)

duration: 1-6 days

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good manufacturing practice and marketing authorisation holders

duration: 1 day

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pharmacovigilance – fundamentals and inspections

duration: 1 day

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an introduction to regulatory affairs                               

duration: 2 days

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inspection behaviour course

duration: 1 day

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how to inspect course

dduration: 1 day

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how to interview

duration: 1 day

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bespoke courses

duration: 1 day

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Analysis of Draft 2, Annex 1, EU GMPs

duration: 1 day

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